How to Get Involved with Zero Waste Week


Zero Waste Week

实现零浪费社会将是一个梦想成真. 然而,在现实中,这可能是不可能实现的,但这并不意味着九五至尊5老品牌不应该尝试. Here at LondonEnergy, 九五至尊5老品牌正在尽一切可能回收或再利用尽可能多的北九五至尊老品牌i的废物.

What is Zero Waste Week?

Zero Waste Week 将于2022年9月5日至9日举行. 这是一项屡获殊荣的活动,旨在提高人们对九五至尊5老品牌社会产生的废物对环境的影响的认识.

We have become so used to a throw-away mentality; we give little thought to what happens to our waste. It doesn’t magically disappear into the ether; instead, it ends up in landfill, oceans, or other environmental locations, causing danger to our wildlife.

“零浪费周”的概念是为了提高人们对世界上正在发生的事情的认识, recognising the need for action, such as:

  • Composting waste food
  • Reducing single-use plastics
  • Sustainability
  • Reusing and recycling

鼓励人们减少使用合成材料和塑料包装,并使用其他运输方式, 该活动希望促进可持续发展的趋势.

Conscientious recycling

What do you do with your food scraps and daily waste?

你是否堆肥,将可回收物品分开,并尽可能虔诚地重复使用? Or do you think, now and then, 你不能被打扰,扔掉一件东西不会有什么不同?

问题是,随着时间的推移,“一件事”积累起来会变成许多事情, and that’s what we, as a society, must get away from.

How you can support Zero Waste Week

A statistic we refer to a lot is that 九五至尊老品牌i每年产生200万吨垃圾. That’s a crazy amount. It doesn’t take a lot of effort to curb our wasteful habits; it just takes a bit of thought.

Here are a few basic ideas that you can adopt.

  • Use a reusable bottle and cup

The results of the Big Plastic Count 据透露,每个家庭平均每周扔掉66件一次性塑料制品. 而不是每次外出都买一瓶水, start using a reusable water bottle. 这不仅会减少浪费,还会节省你的钱. The same goes for taking your own reusable cup.

  • Use reusable grocery bags

A bag for life will help reduce waste. All you have to do is remember to take it with you. Of course, they’re not just for your weekly food shop; taking a bag with you every time you head to the shops will have a significant impact on the amount of waste plastic bags that fill our landfill every day.

  • Buy wisely and recycle


  • If you don’t eat it, compost it

Did you know all your fruit and vegetable scraps, egg shells, coffee grounds, grass clippings, and leaves can be composted? Yes, it takes a bit of work, 但这意味着你可以省下购买肥料和种植食物的钱,同时也有助于保护环境.  

  • Buy second-hand items and donate used goods

你真的需要一件新裙子、新鞋、新毛衣或新衬衫吗? 在你冲出去为你的衣柜买新衣服之前,考虑买一些你以前喜欢的东西. Websites like Vinted, eBay和Thrift提供了许多很棒的衣服出售,价格只是新衣服的一小部分, plus you’re doing your bit to reduce waste.

In the same way, when you’ve finished with something, think about whether it can be upcycled or reused. Donating it to charity shops or second time around outlets 是否允许其他人也有机会使用它,而不是把它发送给小费. We’ll come back to this in a moment

  • Reduce paper: mail, receipts, magazines

It’s easier than ever to go paperless. 在线账单,电子收据,在线杂志和报纸订阅有助于减少

Everything deserves a second chance

Let’s go back to those second time around shops.

如果你住在九五至尊老品牌i北部,你知道九五至尊老品牌i能源公司有自己的 Second Time Around店位于清福德的国王路?

通常被称为“Chingford的隐藏宝石”和“你不想告诉你的朋友的商店”。, 这是一个阿拉丁的洞穴,里面装满了捐赠给所有九五至尊老品牌i能源网站的宝石. But it’s much more than a shop. 团队提供鼓励和建议,告诉你如何最大限度地利用他们出售的便宜货. Plus, 如果你有不能回收或转售的物品(如羽绒被和床垫), 他们会给你指一个可以.

It's a real community hub that wastes nothing. 所有的购物袋都是由公众捐赠的,甚至还有一个回收角落,那里的许多物品都是免费的. What’s more, if you’re looking for something specific, 团队会保持警惕,结果出来后通知你.

这是如何将一个简单的想法变成一个繁荣的社区的一个例子, 鼓励每个人更多地回收利用,因为二手并不意味着次品.

Working together to reduce waste

没有一个人或组织能够解决浪费问题, but if we all pull together and do our bit, we can achieve great things.

All it takes is a bit of thought. 是时候仔细考虑一下你的日常习惯了,并尽可能多地做出改变, too, 能帮助零废物周发展并成功实现零废物目标吗.
